Chickpea Red capsicum salad

Chickpea  Red capsicum salad

Chickpea  Red capsicum salad

  • Boiled chick peas -1 cup
  • Boiled sweet corn -1 cup
  • Red capsicum   -1
  • Parsley (fresh) -2 table spoons
  • pepper powder-1 tea spoon
  • Onion-  2table spoons diced
  • Bread slice -1 
  • Butter -1/2 teaspoon
  • Lemon
  • Pomegranate(sweet)

Cut bread into Small pieces and toast with butter.Take a salad bowl,add boiled chick peas,sweet corns,onion,pomegranate,sliced red capsicum,pepper powder and  squeeze half a lemon and mix it well.before severing add toasted bread pieces.Enjoy the crispy ,healthy salad.
